Usually on Monday mornings, when school is not in, Sister Pat moves slowly allowing her coffee to take full affect; but this Monday was different. It was vacation time! This is when Pastor Jim and Sister Pat throw things into a suitcase and then spend the next few hours questioning each other if they remembered this-or-that. I wasn’t counting but I believe the “I forgot” out numbered the “I remembered”.
We spent the next few hours traveling on unfamiliar roads and going through many towns and cities. One city, named Gas City, caught my attention. I couldn’t think of why anyone would want to live in a town called Gas City. Every time Pastor Jim has gas, we have to roll the windows down in the car.
We arrived at a campground and made camp in a cabins. Each cabin was closer than any of Pastor Jim’s neighbors but that didn’t matter because Pastor Jim said we were getting away. The campground was only a few miles for a town called Middlebury. It claimed to be the Mayberry of Indiana and Pastor Jim and Sister Pat needed a little Mayberry time.
The remainder of day was pleasant. As the day gave way to night; all were very weary but relaxed. The last thing I heard Pastor Jim pray before falling asleep was, “Let the vacation begin” I guess the vacation has began. You can be sure I will share the lessons learned on this vacation – And that is the Bear Truth.
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